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Hidup Adalah Proses Belajar Seumur Hidup

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb, manteman. Long time not see ya. Hari ini akan membahas beberapa quotes dari bapak Bob Sadino. Bob Sadino, pengusaha yang senang melontarkan kata-kata motivasi yang layak dikutip. Kata-kata tersebut Ia dapatkan  dari pengalaman hidupnya sendiri. Salah satunya adalah berikut ini: Yang pertama yaitu "Jadilah manusia pembelajar, belajar dari kehidupan yang anda jalani". Kita ketahui bahwa kehidupan memang tidak bisa lepas dari peristiwa, baik menyenangkan, mengharukan, menyedihkan, bahkan mengecewakan. Kehidupan ibarat roda yang berputar. Semua itu memberikan pembelajaran kepada setia manusia, termasuk kita semua untuk bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi. Sehingga kita tidak akan jatuh ke dalam lubang yang sama untuk kedua kalinya. Dari kehidupan yang telah dijalani, dapat diambil banyak hikmah dan pelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk kedepannya. Proses belajar ini kita lakukan seumur hidup bahkan sampai tua. Setiap orang mem
Postingan terbaru
MY WISHLIST Name  : Radiatul Aslamiyah SRN.    : 1701121161 Course : Edupreneurship This following are my 100 wishlist:

My Best Friends

My best friends During my studies, I had the best friends. They are Tri, Muzay and Putri. The first is called Tri. She is from Buntok. Tri is my friend who is the most hyperactive and cheerful. We almost never saw her sad, even though we knew maybe she was just trying to look fine. She loves anime, sweet foods and sings alone. She doesn't like spicy food. Second, Putri. Putri is my most patient friend. She was never angry with our behavior during this time. But she also includes people who prefer to fix their own problems. She really likes photography and doesn't like clothes that are too girly. And the last is Muzay. She is the youngest among us. She's a little more childish than all of us. She really likes Korea, especially the boy band called BTS.

KSR IAIN Palangka Raya Disaster Simulation Exercise

KSR IAIN Palangka Raya Disaster Simulation Exercise It was like a normal Sunday, we had to do weekly exercises. But there was something different that day, that was, we had to do a simulation of everything we had learned so far. the day's training was divided into 3 posts. The first post  was on the front field of the rectorate building. At this post we had to do first aid for the victim and made a stretcher. The second post was near the pool next to Wifi Id. We had to pass the pool while carrying the victim on a stretcher. This was very difficult to do because of the very black water. And it turned out that the pool water was very smelly and itchy. After that we had to take the victim on a stretcher along the ditch from the pond to the side of the main hall. And the third post was a field near the main hall of the Palangka Raya IAIN. This was where the final assessment is done.

Little Thing About My Life

Name        : Radiatul Aslamiyah SRN           : 170 112 1161 Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.. Good Night Everyone, Good Night TBI A Class Members, and Good Night to My Beloved Readers :v. Finally, we meet again on a night studded with stars and celebrate the moonlight after a very long wait :v Tonight I will apply a little passive voice in the following story. Check it out :) Little Thing About My Life I am an ordinary child. I have always been taught to be an independent person. When I was 7 years old or when I was in the second grade, I could cook. I don't know since when I was taught cooking , I forgot. But what I remember, when I was 7 years old, for the first time I was left at home and had to cook my own food. The results of my cooking aren't too bad and my family likes it. Many things are taught by my parents and I use the knowledge they provide one of the sources of guidance in my life. I was taught about manners, respecting others, independence, compass

Simple Past Tense: My First Day at Campus

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.. Today, My first blog in this year. Yeah I have ever stopped to write in my blog. But, now I will start to write again. I am going to explain about PAST TENSE and give an example based on my own story. We have already known that there are 4 tenses in PAST TENSE. There are Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, and Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Today, I will explain about SIMPLE PAST TENSE according my ability. Oke, Check it out. SIMPLE PAST TENSE DEFINITION OF THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE The simple past tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important. PATTERNS OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE: VERBAL SENTENCE (+) Subject + Verb2 Example: I skipped. (-) Subject + Did not + Verb1 Example: They didn't go. (?) Did + S

Youth as Pioneers in Improving the Quality of Education

Youth as Pioneers in Improving the Quality of Education By Radiatul Aslamiyah English Education 2017 State Islamic Institute of Palangka Raya Currently, when talking about the quality of education, it will be closely linked with youth. Because the progress of a country will be determined by the quality of education while the future of a country is in the hands of the younger generation. Young generation or youth play an important role in change and improvement, according to the pearls of Ir. Soekarno "Give me 1,000 parents; undoubtedly I will pull the semeru from its roots. Give me 10 young men will undoubtedly shake the world ". Examples of figures who contributed to education in the past, namely Ki Hajar Dewantara and Budi Oetomo. One of the things that can be done by youth in improving the quality of education is to break the policy that is considered not appropriate. Young people must be critical and think radically or to their roots with the policies imposed